professional contractor
Professional Services

Why Your Projects Might Need a Professional Contractor

Remodelling and restoration projects in your home don’t just make your home more pleasant to live in, they can obviously add value to your property as well. And in order to extract the maximum ‘capital gain’ from your investment in a renovation, it’s always the best bet to have them done by a professional.

Many homeowners shy away from the idea of paying a full-service professional contractor to do a job they feel that they and their mates can do over a weekend afternoon. After all, the rates many contractors charge may not seem cheap and the do-it-yourself ethos is a firm part of Australian culture, and Karratha is no exception!

The reality is, however, that saving a few dollars now can often end up with you losing more down the line. Further, few of us have the experience or the qualifications necessary to perform major home repairs and renovations in a way that is safe, long-lasting, and within recommended and/or required standards.

Why consider hiring a professional contractor

Many issues with remodelling and renovations work only show themselves months or years later. For instance, a bad plumbing job may leave you with a small leak that will go unnoticed for years, all the while eroding parts of your home and possibly creating a serious toxic mould problem.

While these things can happen with both professional and DIY jobs, going with a professional greatly reduces your risks while giving you legal recourse should the work be defective.

There are also situations where you’d rather just hire professional contractors because there are safety issues involved. Electrical systems maintenance and installation are classic examples, but work removing severe mould infestations, roof tiling and repairs, tree clearing, as well as asbestos removal all pose a severe risk to do-it-yourselfers.

Lastly, there are also permits needed for certain types of work. In Western Australia, most kinds of demolition and construction work require a government permit before the project can legally proceed. Licenced trades professionals are also, by law, the only people who can perform certain types of work like this.

When should I call a professional?

If you’re not sure whether or not to call a professional service company, check the following situations below to see if any of them apply to your project. If one of them applies, then you should leave it to qualified tradespeople.

1.) If it’s illegal to perform the work yourself. As mentioned earlier, there are plenty of home projects that require permits or are required by law to be performed by a licenced trades professional. If either of these applies, we highly encourage you to comply with the law and call a licenced professional to help you with your project.

2.)If the project poses any potential risk to one’s safety or health, then it is best left to the professionals.

3.) if there is a risk to your property’s value. If you are serious about maintaining the value of your home and the surrounding property, it’s highly recommended that you hire a professional. They are likely to have a better understanding of what can lower a property’s value and they tend to be more sensitive to issues that can potentially degrade a property in the future.

4.) If the work is complex. When you pay for a professional to work on home repairs and renovations, you’re not necessarily just paying for the specific work they perform. You are also paying for their highly-specialised knowledge and experience and the assurance they will be able to the job right. If they make a mistake, there is always the possibility of legal recourse, as well. This isn’t the case if you do the work yourself or enlist an unlicensed worker to perform it for you.

Professional contractors can safely and effectively perform difficult projects that need to be done within your home. Take some time to find a certified renovation expert that Karratha homeowners trust. Check out local listings and ask around for the most qualified builder Karratha has to offer for your project.

Tell us about your experiences with professional contractors working in your home. We’d love to know!


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