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How To Make Sure Your Garden Still Stands Out At Night


Luxury villa with patio in garden at night

A garden is a great place to enjoy, relax, and spend your time chilling.  However, at night, it can be a little difficult to enjoy due to poor lighting or poor positioning of lights. 

However, with the correct lighting fixtures set up, your garden will look like an oasis of peace in the evening. This way, guests and family can linger there a bit longer

Here are some tips on how to make your garden stand out at night with the proper lighting.

  1. Understand The Types Of Lighting For Outdoor Use 

It’s important to understand and differentiate between the three main kinds of lighting to determine the best use in the garden. 

These include:  

Take note that you’ll also need to measure how big your outdoor space is so you’ll know how many lights you need. Once you’ve measured the space, multiply that size by 1.5, and check the result. The product you get for that equation will show you the wattage you’ll need to factor in when choosing lighting fixtures. 

As you can tell by now, lights can be both functional and decorative. This means that you’re only limited by the amount of electricity you can devote to these lighting options and by your imagination.

2. Figure Out The Best Position For Your Lighting Fixtures  

The proper lighting highly depends on how big the garden is and what trees or plants are already there. It also depends on where you’ll entertain guests or relax. 

It’s best to have a sketch of the garden to mark out where everything is and the best locations to have evening lighting. Some great areas to use lighting in your garden include:

Depending on the type of garden area you have around your entertainment space and it’s current setup, you can utilize your current grow lights for plants and seedlings. Grow lights are ideal if you have an indoor garden space where you want to showcase your plants yet help them grow at the same time. 

Reading on some grow light tips can help homeowners set up their own beautiful indoor garden, for both aesthetic appeal and growing purpose of the plants. 

By strategizing the layout of an indoor area, you’ll be able to create a functional space that is great for entertaining. 

3. Make Use Of Colored Lights 

Colored lights help \ enhance your garden in more ways than one. They have the ability to showcase feature walls, statues, water fountains, and more. 

When using colored lights some things to consider include: 

Final Takeaway

Creating a beautiful garden is great when you have plenty of landscaping ideas to utilize. If you have a nice garden, you may want to invest time, money, and effort into adding the right kind of lighting to show your garden off at its best advantage. 

Once the lighting is safely in place, that could be the start of many evening hours admiring the garden with friends and family.

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