Eco Houses: Everything You Need to Know About Eco Homes

So, what exactly is an eco-house? At its most basic level, an eco-house can be defined as a residence that has a low environmental effect. This might imply, for example, that the house’s building process and materials reduce carbon dioxide emissions, or that the house itself is intended to consume as little energy as possible. …

Energy Efficient Glazing Explained

Have you ever wondered how you can reduce your annual heating bills? Energy-efficient glazing is one way of getting there. Especially when it’s used in combination with other energy-efficient measures such as wall and loft insulation and energy-efficient heating). There are also a considerable number of benefits to having energy efficient glazing installed. Some examples …

Questions You Should Ask Your Roofing Contractors| A Homeowner’s Guide

Hiring roof contractors can sometimes be overwhelming, especially for new property owners without much experience in scheduling needed repairs or a new roof installation. Knowing what questions to ask a contractor and why it’s good to get certain information or assistance from them can make the process easier for you, and ensure you choose the …