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Three ways to make any decorating project less stressful

decorating project less stressful

Whether it’s just a new lick of paint or a complete renovation, any decorating project can be stressful for a number of reasons. Below are three things you can do to try and make your project less stressful:

Remove the clutter

In most homes, we have just enough items to fill the space we have without making the room feel cramped. If you’ve got a big living room, you’ve probably got a big sofa and possibly an armchair or two to go with it, so you can take full advantage of the space and seat lots of friends and family. The only problem is what do you do with all of this furniture when it’s time to decorate? 

You don’t want to leave any furniture or clutter in the room as it’ll get covered in dust and possibly even drips of paint as you redecorate the ceiling. You could try moving the pieces of furniture around your home, but this will mean you’re reminded of the project in every room of your house and will be unable to escape the chaos of the renovation. Instead, why not move those pieces out of your home? For example, The Storage Locker offers storage units in Victorville which are secure and give you a safe space to store your items until you’re ready to redress the room. Even if you only have a few items, they can provide you with a small locker so that you’re not paying for space you don’t need. By removing the items from your home, you’re not just protecting them, you’re also giving yourself more space in which to get tasks done, like setting up a long table for wallpapering.

Plan well ahead

When it comes to renovation projects, there are lots of things that can delay the project. It could be that you’re simply struggling to decide on an important design choice and you need a day or two to make sure you’ve made the right decision. It could also be that you’ve found you need a specific part that will take days to be delivered, and nothing can be completed until you receive it. To avoid both of these problems, try and plan out exactly what you want the room to look like before you start so that the project less stressful. Make a list of all the items you’ll need and when you’ll need them and make sure you order them well in advance. 

Measure and measure again 

Another big problem that can cause delays is poor measuring. If you’re buying a piece of furniture, for example a blind, make sure you measure the space a number of times before buying one. That way you can be sure you’re buying the right part first time. When you’re cutting something to length, it’s even more important to check the measurements, as if you cut it too short you might have to pay out for a new part. Also try your best to estimate how much of something you’ll need, for example how many litres of paint or how many boxes of tiles, so you don’t run out during your project. Always add at least 10 percent to allow for breakages and offcuts when it comes to things like tiles and flooring and makes your project less stressful.

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