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Keep Your Home Cozy With These Home Maintenance Tips

Home Improvement Projects

Part of creating a beautiful and fulfilling home environment is keeping up with regular home maintenance.  You can’t really get comfortable in a home that is overrun with pests or covered in overgrown weeds.  

The general idea of a comfortable home doesn’t typically involve falling ceilings, clogged gutters, and leaky basements.  Take a moment to read through a quick look into some key ways to keep your home cozy with a few home maintenance tips.  

Invest in regular pest control

Your house doesn’t have to be a filthy wreck for pests to want to set up shop.  In fact, you could have a very clean and orderly home that is just asking for pest issues.  

Small factors like mulching up against the foundation of your home can cause problems with termites, ants, and roaches.  Research local pest control providers in your area, and have your home regularly treated.  You won’t have to fight off an invasion if the bugs never have a chance to cross your home’s threshold.  

Keep tabs on the state of your structure

You should maintain an honest effort to keep tabs on the structural integrity of your home.  Make sure the roof isn’t sagging.  

Tend to any drafty spots in the basement or attic, and don’t allow leaky areas to go unmanaged.  The main point is to stop big issues before they ever get the chance to develop, and save your household thousands of dollars over the span of your ownership.  

Maintain the exterior as well

You should take a good look at the outside of your home at least once per year.  You need to look for any visible cracks in your foundation. Look for missing or damaged shingles on your roof, and make sure your gutters and downspouts are in working order.  

Pooling water around your home’s foundation can cause some real problems over time, so make sure your downspouts are taking excess rainwater away from the base of your house when it rains.  

Take care of your HVAC unit 

Your home’s heating and air conditioning unit is a vital tool for achieving comfort for the whole family.  You can take steps to work out the longevity of your HVAC unit.  

Change the indoor filter once per month if you have a busy home and every three months for a less frequented structure.  Have your HVAC unit serviced once a year, and you’ll get at least a decade out of a solid machine.  

Know where the main shutoff valve is for water

Water is your home’s worst enemy.  It’s important that you know where your home’s main water shutoff valve is located, so you can quickly contain any sudden leaks that may occur. 

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