Stylish Ways to Beautify Your Garden
Gardening Outdoor Care

7 Stylish Ways to Beautify Your Garden

If you are lucky enough to own a garden, you still need to look after it in order to enjoy the full benefit of owning your own piece of backdoor nature. There are countless stylish ways to beautify your garden but we have selected the topmost 7 that are cost-effective and won’t take a lot of time to complete.

Building a grand entrance

The impression your garden leaves with outside visitors is going to be largely determined by a single factor: the first impression. Namely, the very first thing someone entering your garden sees, i.e., the entryway, is going to give them a sense of what to expect. That’s why a grand entryway ought to be a must. You can create a garlanded archway or you can plant two large conifer trees at each side of the gate. The latter option is more modern and ultimately more stylish.

A cozy retreat

A garden is so much more than landscaping and regular pruning. If you leaf through (pun intended) any gardening magazine, you’ll find stately gazebos, decorated patios, and a large seating area bigger than the living room inside the house.

However, if you’re aiming for stylish exterior décor solutions, then a private nook is precisely what you need. In most cases, a garden chair and a coffee table are everything a person needs to enjoy the outdoors. This cozy retreat where you can read the papers and sip coffee will serve as your place in nature, both metaphorically and literally.

A downsized fountain

If we were to mention that your garden can benefit from a water feature, you’d probably go with a swimming pool or a splash pad for the kids. However, a fountain is more than enough to beautify your garden but that’s not all. In terms of size, it is always better to install a fountain that is smaller but that fits in better with the surrounding area.

In fact, if your garden is not very big, you can elevate the fountain to a flowerbed and create a minuscule artificial waterfall. In terms of exterior design and landscaping, a small fountain gives you a wider range of possibilities than a larger one.

Not your average flower pot

A trip to the nearest garden centre will reveal that most stocks made flower pots look pretty much the same, with similar patterns and dull colours. Add to this the fact that the cheapest models are made from plastic and you get a truly unstylish addition to your garden.

What you want to do is get hold of those old plant containers that are made from terracotta. They come in all shapes and sizes, as some as ridiculously big and can serve as “guardians” at the aforementioned entryway. Furthermore, clay pots can be painted using water-based colour so you’ll end up with moving imagery that is 100% eco-friendly.


Cleanliness is half of … style

With all the construction work going around the garden, you might forget to clean afterwards. In fact, you might have disregarded cleanliness altogether in the search for the perfect outdoor improvement. If you already own a garden stylish enough, then simply cleaning it thoroughly is more than enough to beautify it.

We are not referring to picking up fallen leaves and cleaning the gutter but using a high-pressure washer to clean the floor tiles. The patio and the pathways are an integral part of the garden’s décor so you should get rid of all the muck that accumulates there after each winter season. If you own a jet washer, then this tough chore that would otherwise involve a whole lot of scrubbing becomes child’s play. Once you start pressure washing, don’t forget to rinse the picket fence as well, especially its bottom section.

Expanding the garden upwards

As plants in your backyard grow so does your garden extend upwards. However, you can give the garden a nudge in the right direction by creating a green wall. All you need is a wooden frame, preferably along the edge of the garden and some vines and other climbers that will get planted nearby.

Another solution to help the garden project towards the sky are concrete columns. Modern garden centres have premade concrete columns with ancient Greek motifs that are ideal for any garden décor. Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian are the three major classical orders that are bound to bring your garden closer to heaven.

Blue and black

As you are probably already aware, blue is the colour that occurs naturally the rarest. Even the biggest and the most elaborate gardens don’t feature any plants with blue petals. That’s why a touch of “blue plants” like a Dandelion or a Grape Hyacinth are perfect for your flora for purposes of creating contrast. Furthermore, you can introduce flowers with dark leaves like dark-leaved begonias and dahlias. Black foliage will definitely stand out, creating a contrasting pattern across the flowerbed.

A stylish garden is easy to create even without a huge budget or hours spent gardening. All you need are methods like the ones we have listed above and you’ll soon turn your garden into a stylish resort and an oasis of peace.


Bio: Patrick Adams is a freelance writer and rock-blues fan. When he is not writing about home improvement, he loves to play chess, watch basketball, and play his guitar. More than anything, he loves to spend his time in his garage, repairing appliances and creating stuff from wood.



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