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Prevent Unnecessary Headaches With a Rock-Solid Rental Lease Agreement

Prevent Unnecessary Headaches With a Rock-Solid Rental Lease Agreement

Being a landlord is all about anticipating problems and stopping them before they ever happen. One of the best ways to prevent issues is with a rock-solid rental agreement. 

The first step to the perfect lease is to cover everything about your relationship. When you show up to inspect the property, it should be “as per the rental agreement” not “I happened to be driving by and felt like it.” 

When everything is spelled out clearly, you guarantee legality, make everything clear for both parties, and lay out responsibilities and rights from the beginning. See below for a full list of what you need.

Include the right information

The basics:

Building the relationship:

Dealing with potential issues:

Getting it right

There’s obviously a lot to cover in a clear rental agreement, and that’s where doing it electronically can really help. 

Cutting-edge landlord software can take the guess out of every step of the process, from providing you the best rental application forms to customizable lease agreements, to instant access to laws and regulations in your state. Landlord software from companies like Turbo Tenant is the safest way to make sure you’re not missing anything, and it can help you streamline your property management.

The most important thing to remember is that if want your lease agreement to hold up in court, it has to be fair and reasonable from a legal perspective. For example, if the lease says the landlord can terminate the agreement early with just two weeks notice and no penalty, but the tenant has to give a month’s notice and pay a month’s extra rent as penalty for the same thing, this fails the fairness test.

If you have a three percent fee for late payment that kicks in 48 hours after the rent is due, this is likely to pass the reasonable test. If you want to charge 25 percent at 12:01am on the day after rent is due, the court is likely to consider this unreasonable. So you’ll need to develop a keen sense of what you probably can and probably can’t do.

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