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Reasons For The Popularity Of Green Building Trends

Reasons For The Popularity Of Green Building Trends

Environment and everything connected to ensuring its sustainability is a growing trend today. people have come to realise that a sustainable environment directly translates into a better Earth to live in; one which is free from pollutants, allergens and other disease causing pathogens. Construction is one industry which has been globally affected by this change and has embraced it with open arms. Today sustainable green building is a trend which is rapidly becoming popular the world over.

What is a green building

A simple definition of the same refers to the use of environmentally responsible processes and resource efficient materials throughout the different stages of a building construction. Hence right from the planning to designing, from construction to operation, from maintenance to renovation and even the demolition of these building is carried out in a way that it leaves the least amount of carbon footprint. While creating a positive impact on the environment is its biggest advantage, it also helps to address other building concerns like that of economy and comfort, utility and durability in a positive manner.

Advantages of green buildings

The USP or the unique selling point of a green building is its annual cost comparison coupled with a positive impact on the occupant’s health. In the process employee productivity also increases since the whole concept ensures effective utilisation of naturally available resources like water, energy etc.

The key fundamentals in the construction of green building stress on effective and efficient utilisation of materials, processes and other naturally occurring resources. But its impact on the creation of a better environment and its impact on the promotion of better health too cannot be ignored. This is perhaps the main reason for the rise in popularity of the green building trends in-spite of its enhanced cost.

Author Bio: Both environmentally conscious and a renowned general contractors calgary, the author is one who is an ardent supporter of the “Save my Planet” campaign. His ways and means to ensure the construction of green buildings might seem unconventional but extremely successful.

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